ReactJS Projects

A collection of ReactJS apps developed during WebDev Boot Camp.

Bare functionality was the assignment, but I went a few steps further, implementing CSS candy, responsive design, Headers & Footers as file system hard links (shared resources between all apps), centralized state, and much more.

The final step was merging everything into one app with Routes & Links (v6), since the Routes lessons were brief and missing an assigned exercise. Also implemented NavLink in header, highlighting the "Home" at top of this page...

Remaining tasks:

  • Utililize Redux to centralize state further, allowing one to switch games midway through, return to it and continue the game.
  • Merge TodoList app into current framework
  • Perhaps re-factor, probably not - ought to complete the remaining course material instead.
  • Add params to Routes so games can be linked to in specific states. Can foresee using it to play "Guess whose country this flag represents??
  • Done! Now FlagGame is refactored for redux, nested routes (v6 style), added a functional component because useParams() doesn't work in a regular React component (nice hack!), and the ability to share a game via URL where the components indicate the country choices!
  • Next, change routing from "test" to flag-game to enable routing in game accessible via NavLink (header link).
  • Next (maybe) is to add check ensuring 4 URL parameters are provided, else randomly select enough to make complete choices panel. Although, it's kind of cool to pass one URL parameter and see one choice. "Hey, look at this flag!"
  • Console is showing error in FlagGame's mapDispatchToProps(): "Actions must be plain objects." This does not happen in Firefox (test this again)