Deploying React Apps

When deploying React apps on Apache or nginx, in a sub-folder of the root / DocumentRoot, there are some issues to consider. While the deployment guide suggests setting “homepage”: “.” in package.json, others have advised against this. Taking that at face value, I used “homepage”: “/react/react-hooks”, which initially appeared to work. However… static images from… Continue reading Deploying React Apps

Array wrapping with modulus

Recently came across a requirement that consisted of a list of items to display which is decorated by a smaller list of colours. The colours were to cycle through and wrap at the end of the list — starting over from the beginning. Mini Challenge 01: Changing Background Colors for Certificates Card Story for the… Continue reading Array wrapping with modulus

Ubuntu Pro

Ubuntu Pro & esm-apps: Universe repo getting curation?

RAID1 farce2

At the end of the last post about my RAID1 farce, Michael Paoli had given great and brilliant advice on dealing with accessing the /var folder in the root file system after I’d mounted a RAID on top of it. Rick Moen, also of Bay Area LUG (BALUG) chimed in with an idea on their… Continue reading RAID1 farce2